£30,296 free money! What would you do?
With the volatility of the energy market we had a new client this morning who was being pressurised by their current electricity supplier to commit to a new contract to start at the end of March at a cost of £78,307 for a 12 months renewal.
We were able to offer the client a 12 month renewal with THE SAME SUPPLIER for £48,011 - a like for like saving of £30,296. Additionally, there were larger savings to be had elsewhere over a 2 or 3 year deal too.
We understand that businesses cannot cope with such disparity in prices in such a volatile market.
Focus Energy Services Ltd, Phoenix House, 9 Pike Hills Mount, York YO23 3UU
Registered in England & Wales 13576976 Data Protection Register ZB205253
E-Mail info@focusenergyservices.co.uk
Tel: York 01904 202294 Edinburgh 0131 526 3078